Christian Outreach Center

Guest Speaker: Bob Hanus

Christian Outreach Center
Christian Outreach Center
Guest Speaker: Bob Hanus

Bob Hanus, a guest speaker and missionary that we support, talks about the importance of the Gospel and the role that it should play in our daily lives.

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Christian Outreach Center
Christian Outreach Center

In her message on Mother’s Day, Marne creates an acronym using the word “Remember” and reflects on the lives of key women from the Bible to encourage all of us to remember the lives we’ve been called to live.

REMEMBER Read More »

Resurrection Life

Christian Outreach Center
Christian Outreach Center
Resurrection Life

Pastor Kirk talks about the resurrection and how this event from 2,000 years ago plays a key part in how we live our lives today.

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Relationship Tips

Christian Outreach Center
Christian Outreach Center
Relationship Tips

Pastor Kirk and Marne share the things that they have learned through 20+ years of marriage and offer practical tips that are applicable for all relationships.

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Bob Hanus

Christian Outreach Center
Christian Outreach Center
Bob Hanus

Bob Hanus shares his heart for evangelism and taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are hurting and in need of a rescuer.

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Fear, Faith, and Wisdom

Christian Outreach Center
Christian Outreach Center
Fear, Faith, and Wisdom

Listen as Pastor Kirk teaches on how to navigate our lives as believers through the uncertain times that we are facing in the world today.

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Responding to the Christmas Story

Christian Outreach Center
Christian Outreach Center
Responding to the Christmas Story

How do you/should you respond to the Christmas story? Listen as Pastor Kirk unpacks 3 possible ways that we may respond to the coming of Christ.

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25 Years of God’s Faithfulness

Christian Outreach Center
Christian Outreach Center
25 Years of God's Faithfulness

Listen in as people from our congregation and Pastor Kirk share about the faithfulness we’ve experienced from God during our 25th Anniversary as a church.

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